European Contact Centre
and Customer Service Awards

Highly Commended Award special recognition Highly Commended Award in the category of Most Effective Application of Technology

2nd place in the "Giving Something Back" category for CSR projects for the Czech Police and the Safety Line

1st place in the Innovation and Technology category for crisis management of the project with e-shop
3rd place for CSR projects with Linka bezpečí
3rd place in the Best Cross-Functional Collaboration category for the Census 2021 project
3rd place in the Small Customer Teams category for the project with Samsung Electronics

1st place in the category Responding in a Crisis - Best partnership solution - for cooperation with
3rd place in the category Best Customer Service Team - Samsung
3rd place in the Giving Something Back category for a CSR project implemented in a prison for Linka bezpečí

2nd place in the Best Outsourcing Partnership category together with Samsung

Czech Contact Center Award

2nd place in the Client category for the Census 2021 project
3rd place in the Contact Centre Personality category - Petra Boumová
3rd place in the Technology category for the Smart IVR project for the Samsung customer service line

1st place in the People category for the Breaking Myths campaign
2nd place in the Clients category for cooperation with
2nd place in the Technology category for the project "Satisfied Samsung Customer"
3rd place in the Clients category for E-Promoter for Samsung
3rd place Operator of the Year - Šárka Štroblová

1st place in the Clients category for the project Implementation of Whatsapp communication in cooperation with Samsung
2nd place in the Clients category
2nd place in the Technology category
3rd place in the Clients category for the E-learning project
3rd place in the People category for the project HR Daktela as a system for recruiting candidates
3rd place in the Technology category for the project Cloud solution for analysis and evaluation of large volumes of recordings in Conectart

1st place in the Inbound Projects category for the VizionAR application
1st place in the Special Projects category for the VizionAR application
2nd place in the New Media category for HR Chatbot
2nd place in the Outbound Projects category for HR Chatbot

1st place in the Outbound Projects category for Speech To Text
3rd place in the Inbound Projects category for the Aristotelos shift scheduling software

1st place in the Inbound Projects category for 1188

What services can you outsource?

Customer care

Many years of practice have taught us how to answer almost anything. Whether your customers need to check the status of a shipment, ask about a product, register a complaint, ask about a return, get advice on electronics, arrange insurance or a loan - our professional agents will take care of them! We are experts in customer care and a trusted partner of our clients.

What else do we offer?

Omnichannel communication

In addition to the phone, we also use email, webchat, social networks and the increasingly popular WhatsApp to communicate with our customers, all in one system.


We can communicate with your customers in up to 14 languages thanks to our international coverage and staff.

Customer Acquisition

Finding new customers isn’t easy and selling over the phone is even harder, but we're happy to help. We know how to work with data, have the best sales agents, and we've proven to many companies that we can significantly improve their sales results. We have a huge number of our own contacts, but we can also work with yours. And what's more, even when we’re selling, we never lose the human touch.


Sell only to customers who have a real and current interest in your service or product. Generating leads randomly is not our style. The customers we contact will always know what your company is presenting. We can do both B2C and B2B leads, and in any quantity that meets your needs.

Arranging business meetings

We'll take the pressure off your sales team and take over the job of calling potential customers and scheduling appointments, leaving them more time to close deals. We can schedule appointments directly into your salesmen's calendars, making the entire process even more efficient. Plus, you'll have access to recordings of all the calls, so everything is under your control.

Back Office

The Back Office is an ideal add-on to our other services, so that together we can ensure smooth communication and customer care during the entire business process. We can help with digitization of documentation, ordering systems and document processing.

Consulting services

We’re ready to share our experience. We’re happy to advise you on how to manage your call centre more effectively or achieve better results, we can optimise your processes and improve the performance of your call centre or train your agents in communication and sales skills.


Voicebot, Chatbot, SMART IVR, SPEECH TO TEXT, WhatsApp... We are constantly pushing the boundaries of customer experience and searching for new areas to improve. We've even won a number of awards for it.

What do we offer with all of our services?

Robust reporting

Daily numbers, monthly summaries, and online insights allowing you to monitor and evaluate traffic just as you always do.


Thanks to our CNB certification for consumer credit agents and brokers under the Insurance and Reinsurance Distribution Act, we are also a well-qualified, high-quality partner for banks and insurance companies.

ISO standards and high security

Not only do we have ISO 9001, which is focused mainly on the quality of our services, but also ISO 27001 that covers the security of data and information in the company. ISO 27001 is a level that not even all banks achieve. You can be assured that our processes and security measures are at the highest level and there’s nothing to worry about. We guarantee that your data and the data of your customers is safe with us.

Tremendous flexibility

Perhaps something has gone wrong, and you need to run a crisis line? Maybe you’re running a monthly campaign and need to temporarily increase capacity? It’s the Christmas season and you can’t keep up or maybe you just need to rapidly reduce your costs? Whatever it is, we can help you quickly and completely thanks to our high capacity.

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K uložení voleb, které jste nastavili ve menu ,,Nastavení cookies", bude třeba rovněž vytvořit soubor cookie. Z toho vyplývají dva důsledky:

1) Pokud odstraníte ve Vašem internetovém prohlížeči všechny soubory cookie, budete muset předvolby pro naše webové stránky nastavit znovu; a
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